major audit

all classes

c u r r e n t c l a s s e s


✧.* ˚ ✦ q u i c k l i n k s


the studio


✧.* ˚ ✦ m e m o

<aside> 📌 if you want to make an external link like this one ↗ of my Google Drive, type whatever it is you want to link ex: Google Drive, highlight it with your cursor, click 'Link' and copy paste whatever you want to link.


Google Drive


<aside> 📌 the way that i like to organize my tasks and assignments is by writing down everything in the beginning of the week, and writing what day I plan on doing the assignment in addition to the due date. I change the "To-do Day" with a smiley face 😇 if it's that day (so I can visualize it easier). If you click the box, the assignment will disappear - you can change or edit this feature by clicking Filter and deleting/adding filters.


w e e k l y p l a n n e r [example]